Who We Are
Prescott Peace Dances and Sufi Circle, Inc., is the formal organization that eventually emerged after like-minded people with diverse backgrounds found one another in Prescott, Arizona, in the mid 1990s. Some of us were longtime Sufis. Some of us were new to the path. Some of us were certified leaders of the Dances, and some of us couldn't carry a tune. We shared, though, our love for the Sufi Message of Spiritual Liberty, brought to the Western hemisphere by Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Kahn, and for the Dances of Universal Peace, originated by Hazrat Inayat Kahn's follower Murshid Samuel Lewis. We were united in our intention to "rise above distinctions and differences" to create community with one another and to make the Message available to others who might be interested. We formally organized as Prescott Peace Dances and Sufi Circle, Inc., in 2006. Prescott Peace Dances and Sufi Circle, Inc. is a 501(c)3 public charity.
Our purpose, as stated in our bylaws, is to perpetuate in north-central Arizona a religious/spiritual organization that embodies, expresses, and promotes the principles of Universalist Sufism, and to deepen our connections with all the Illuminated Souls who form the embodiment of the Master, the Spirit of Guidance.
In pursuit of this purpose, PPDSC expresses and expands through meetings, classes, retreats, and other appropriate means the spiritual wisdom to be found in the writings and teachings of Sufi mystics and the Illuminated Souls who form the embodiment of the Master, the Spirit of Guidance; promotes and expands inner and outer harmony through the Dances of Universal Peace; and provides opportunities to experience and learn practices from authentic esoteric spiritual schools.
The current Board of Directors consists of Sheikh Yaqin Lance Sandleben, Armaiti Nancy Ethridge and Hamida Wendy Heald.
Our relationship to the Universalist Sufi Orders: PPDSC has an autonomous but spiritually affiliated relationships with the Sufi Ruhaniat International (SRI), the Sufi Movement International (SMI), and the Inayat Order (IO), as well as an autonomous but affiliated relationship with Peaceworks. We recognize and honor all individual participants’ allegiances to spiritual hierarchies, such as those of SRI, SMI, and IO. As a group, we do not conduct our own spiritual initiations or bestow credentials, although Individual members of PPDSC, through their affilaitions with SRI, SMI or SOI, may be empowered to initiate new followers on behalf of these orders. We recognize and honor the initiations and credentials conferred by SRI, SMI, IO, other duly established Sufi orders, and/or Peaceworks.
We welcome all who are interested in exploring or joining us on this path.
Our purpose, as stated in our bylaws, is to perpetuate in north-central Arizona a religious/spiritual organization that embodies, expresses, and promotes the principles of Universalist Sufism, and to deepen our connections with all the Illuminated Souls who form the embodiment of the Master, the Spirit of Guidance.
In pursuit of this purpose, PPDSC expresses and expands through meetings, classes, retreats, and other appropriate means the spiritual wisdom to be found in the writings and teachings of Sufi mystics and the Illuminated Souls who form the embodiment of the Master, the Spirit of Guidance; promotes and expands inner and outer harmony through the Dances of Universal Peace; and provides opportunities to experience and learn practices from authentic esoteric spiritual schools.
The current Board of Directors consists of Sheikh Yaqin Lance Sandleben, Armaiti Nancy Ethridge and Hamida Wendy Heald.
Our relationship to the Universalist Sufi Orders: PPDSC has an autonomous but spiritually affiliated relationships with the Sufi Ruhaniat International (SRI), the Sufi Movement International (SMI), and the Inayat Order (IO), as well as an autonomous but affiliated relationship with Peaceworks. We recognize and honor all individual participants’ allegiances to spiritual hierarchies, such as those of SRI, SMI, and IO. As a group, we do not conduct our own spiritual initiations or bestow credentials, although Individual members of PPDSC, through their affilaitions with SRI, SMI or SOI, may be empowered to initiate new followers on behalf of these orders. We recognize and honor the initiations and credentials conferred by SRI, SMI, IO, other duly established Sufi orders, and/or Peaceworks.
We welcome all who are interested in exploring or joining us on this path.